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Updown Integration

The Updown integration allows you to be notified when your checks in Updown detect an outage or certificate error. Incidents can automatically be marked as resolved when Updown detects that the check is back up or when the certificate issue is corrected.

Create the Ready Five integration

In your web browser, navigate to the "Integrations" tab in the team that should own this integration and click the "Add Integration" button.

Integration add button

For the integration type, click the "Add" button in the Updown box.

Add integration Updown type

Give the integration a name (or keep the default) and an optional description and click "Add".

The integration is now created, and you now have a URL on this screen that you'll need in a minute. Keep this tab open and open another.

Configure a new webhook in Updown

Sign in to your Updown account and open Settings from the main navigation.

Updown Settings

Scroll down to the "Webhooks" section and paste the integration URL from Ready Five here.

Give the webhook a Label, which should probably include "Ready Five". If you have more than one integration across your teams with an Updown integration, you may want to include the team name in this label as well. We'll reference this label in a bit to configure a check to alert this webhook when up/down events occur.

For the URL, paste the integration address URL from the Ready Five integration page.

Webhook form

Save the setting at the bottom of the screen.

Webhook form save button

Configure the webhook to be notified on a check

Each of your Updown checks are configured individually with the webhook(s) that they target.

Create a new check or edit an existing check. Click the pencil icon to edit the check.

Check edit button

This will present a handful of action icons. Click the notification recipients icon.

Check recipients button

In the "Select notification recipients" menu, enable the webhook and click the save icon for the check.

Check recipients form

All set! The next time this check is detected as down or its SSL certificate is expiring, an incident will be created in your Ready Five account!